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Visítanos en Carniceros de Campezo, donde la tradición familiar se mantiene viva por generaciones en cada corte de carne.


Carretera Vitoria- Estella, numero 32, pabellon 8


Lunes a Sábado 9:00 a 14:00

Lunes a Viernes 17:00 a 20:00

La tradición de Carniceros de Campezo se siente en cada corte. La calidad y el servicio son excepcionales, ¡siempre vuelvo por más!

Juan Pérez

A vibrant meat market stall displaying a wide variety of cured meats and sausages. Different cuts of meat hang from the top, while an assortment of packaged meat products are neatly arranged in the glass display case below. The stall is warmly lit, creating an inviting atmosphere for shoppers.
A vibrant meat market stall displaying a wide variety of cured meats and sausages. Different cuts of meat hang from the top, while an assortment of packaged meat products are neatly arranged in the glass display case below. The stall is warmly lit, creating an inviting atmosphere for shoppers.
